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There Is No One Size Fits All To Healing

Each person is unique with different life experiences, symptoms, and traumas. While you and your story are one of a kind, the brain and nervous system may be the root cause and solution for many suffering. You may be bedbound or on the edge of a breakthrough in your life. Wherever you are starting from, you don't have to stay there.


I Will Be Your Hope And Belief Until You Feel It Yourself

I Will Collaborate With You To Create A Custom Plan You Feel Empowered To Implement

I Will Be Your Biggest Cheerleader

You Can Exit The Box, Feel Good, and Love Your Life Again...

Regulating Your Nervous System Is Key



Chronic Stress and Symptoms Can Occur With Nervous System And Vagus Nerve Dysfunction

*Vagus nerve pictured in yellow


Physical Signs

Headaches, visual disturbances, dizziness, tinnitus, light & sound sensitivity, breathing difficulties, new onset allergies, gut issues and malnutrition, persistent pain, muscle weakness or tension, frequent or chronic illness, inflammation, weak immunity, heart rate irregularities, temperature dysregulation, food & environmental sensitivities, fatigue/exercise intolerance, urinary issues, low libido


Cognitive Signs

Anxious or racing thoughts, brain fog, sleep & relaxation issues, memory problems, poor judgment,  obsessive thoughts & behaviors, increased negativity, feeling disconnected from body & self



Emotional Signs

Difficulty balancing emotions, anxiety, irrability, depression, mood swings, internalized guilt & shame, rage, feeling shut down or hopeless, overwhelm


Behavioral signs

Eating more or less, neglecting responsibilities, nervous habits, addictive behaviors, hypervigilance, obsessive behaviors, loss of pleasure or interest, avoidance and isolation, difficulty making decisions

My Approach


A body-focused approach to increasing flexibility and promoting balance in the nervous system. This bottom-up practice reduces stress, improves wellbeing, and supports the mind-body connection. 80% of your nerves travel from the body to the brain via the Vagus nerve.




What to expect:
  • ​Simple 3-minute exercises to promote balance and flexibility while working with the six nervous system states  â€‹

  • Polyvagal theory education to understand and feel empowered with your nervous system 

  • NeuroFit App access (optional) to assess your nervous system in real-time, receive feedback, and tailored balance exercises to enhance support between coaching sessions

  • Engaging group classes and nervous system learning courses to make friends and become unstoppable together


A top-down approach that creates new brain pathways to promote nervous system wellbeing. 20% of our nerves travel from the brain to body. Choosing thoughts, feelings, and actions that support a thriving life helps to change our stress response on a chemical level.



What to expect:

  • An empathetic listener and personal cheerleader who cares about you, your struggles, and feelings

  • Education to cultivate awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and actions and steps to practice new ways of being

  • Education around the power of self-compassion in the healing process

  • Action plans to help you reach your goals and get back to what you enjoy

  • Promoting balance in your life aspect areas: love and relationships, money & finance, family & friends, career & business,  health & wellbeing, purpose & mission, environment



NeuroFit sign up 20% off

The app is an optional tool we can utilize to support you on your journey to improving your nervous system health. NEUROFIT is designed to improve well-being fast: on average, active app users report 54% less stress after 1 week. 





Quickly Reduce Stress + Anxiety


Enhance Focus + Creativity


Improve Emotional + Mental Clarity


Optimize Sleep + Accelerate Recovery


Boost Immunity + Digestion



20% off lifetime use of the app when subscribed here


Coach access to your real time check-ins between sessions


Collaborative insight for the 7 life aspect areas and stuck points that may be affecting your nervous system well-being


Customized feedback and recommendations from the app to encourage exercises and beneficial habits for you specifically


The app can help you feel supported between sessions, creating a more effective coaching relationship



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