Nervous System & Somatics Coach

My Story
“You’ll never be a nurse again.”
"There's nothing more I can do to help you."
"You won't be able to ____ again."
Words I heard more than once. At the moment, I didn’t know how or when but a quiet voice inside was strong enough to utter, “watch me.”
After life-altering physical and emotional trauma in 2012, my health rapidly deteriorated and I was left to pick up the pieces of my life while living with chronic pain and multi-faceted chronic illness. I was 25 years old and instead of enjoying life, I was fighting to live. For the next 3 years, my symptoms dramatically increased as my world and capabilities declined. Would I ever have a full life?
After discovering a self-guided brain retraining program (DNRS) in 2015, I learned to rewire my brain and overcome my symptoms, sparking a desire to redefine my capabilities and become unstoppable in every sense of the word. When I stopped viewing recovery as a threshold to cross and a job complete, thriving began to flow.
I've transformed my journey into inspiring others through 1:1 coaching for the last 5+ years. I provide a custom approach for each client I am honored to support. My approach to healing has grown exponentially through my experience with trauma and chronic illness, extensive learning, and observations when coaching others.
While my mission has been to turn every single “I can’t” into an “I can,” my passion is showing others that, they too, can become unstoppable in their lives, feel better, and truly find themselves again in mind, body, and spirit.
Education & Experience
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 2009
Personal experience recovering from nervous system dysfunction and a multitude of chronic health issues
5+ years experience as a Neuroplasticity Coach working with clients globally
Polyvagal Theory Course Completion with Stephen Porges
Certified Nervous System & Somatics Coach with NeuroFit
No longer experience symptoms of:
Post concussion syndrome
Fibromyalgia, Chronic pain
Dysautonomia, POTS
Chronic fatigue Syndrome
Poor immune health
Multiple Sensitivities (light, sound, food, chemicals, electronic devices)
Severe stress intolerance
Brain fog/memory issues
And more…

Contact Erica
Have questions about booking or services provided? I'd love to hear from you.